Jessica Sandlin
Client Concierge
Experience: 22 years
Email: jessica.sandlin@insightwp.com
Phone: 972.543.4800
Fax: 972.543.4801
About Jessica
Jessica brings 20 plus year of experience to the client service industry. Her supportive role as a pastor’s wife for 21 years, being a full time stay at home mother of three for 14 years, and her most recent experience as a small business owner has cultivated her ability to be proactive, insightful, and intentional in recognizing needs and finding solutions to those needs.
Jessica finds joy in serving others and using her God given abilities to add value to those around her. Her primary service is greeting clients both on the phone and in person. She once heard hospitality defined as making those around you feel at home no matter where they are. This is the approach she seeks with each client at Insight Wealth Partners.
Jessica has had the privilege of being married to Neil for 21 years and they have been blessed with three amazing kids, Caden, Andee and Eden. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching her kids play volleyball and basketball, and any opportunity to decorate her home.